
Sunday, July 29, 2012


Hopcroft-Karp Maximum Bipartite Matching in C++

I couldn't find any clear explanations of this algorithm or any C++ or Python implementations that were not a component of some larger graph library.  I wrote the following C++ implementation as I clicked through various tedious powerpoint slides describing Hopcroft-Karp.  It took a while to figure out the simple ideas represented by all those proofs and definitions.  I'm releasing this code for use and reference under GPL version 2.

// Copyright Erik Hvatum 2012
// License: GPL v2

#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>

class MaxMatch
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t VertexIndex;
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t EdgeIndex;
    typedef std::ptrdiff_t Layer;

    struct Edge
        Edge(const VertexIndex& u_vertex_, const VertexIndex& v_vertex_, const EdgeIndex& idx_);
        VertexIndex u_vertex, v_vertex;
        // Index of this edge in m_edges
        EdgeIndex idx;

    typedef std::vector<Edge> Edges;
    typedef std::vector<EdgeIndex> EdgeIndexes;

    enum VertexType

    struct Vertex
        Vertex(const VertexType& type_, const std::string& name_, const VertexIndex& idx_);
        VertexType type;
        std::string name;
        // Index of this vertex in m_vertexes
        VertexIndex idx;
        EdgeIndexes edges;

        NillVertIdx = 0

    typedef std::vector<Vertex> Vertexes;
    typedef std::vector<VertexIndex> VertexIndexes;

    typedef std::vector<Layer> Layers;

    const Vertexes& u_vertexes() const;
    const Vertexes& v_vertexes() const;
    const Edges& edges() const;
    void addVertex(const VertexType& type, const std::string& name);
    void addEdge(const std::string& u_vertexName, const std::string& v_vertexName);
    const VertexIndexes& us_to_vs() const;
    const VertexIndexes& vs_to_us() const;
    // Uses the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm to find a maximal matching set; returns the number of edges in the matching set
    // found.
    int hopcoftKarp();
    // Helper for hopcroftKarp - uses BFS to put U vertexes in layers (layer 0 for free U vertexes, layer 1 for the U
    // vertexes matched to V vertexes with edges incident to a layer 0 U vertex, etc).  Returns true if at least one
    // potential augmenting path exists.
    bool makeLayers();
    // Helper for hopcroftKarp - uses DFS guided by layer number to find augmenting paths.  Returns true if an
    // augmenting path from uIdx was found.
    bool findPath(const VertexIndex& uIdx);

    typedef std::map<std::string, VertexIndex> VertexNamesToIndexes;

    static const Layer InfLayer;

    Vertexes m_u_vertexes;
    Vertexes m_v_vertexes;
    VertexNamesToIndexes m_u_vertNamesToIdxs;
    VertexNamesToIndexes m_v_vertNamesToIdxs;
    Edges m_edges;
    // u -> v matchings.  For example, m_us_to_vs[2] == 3 indicates that vertex m_u_vertexes[2] is matched to
    // m_v_vertexes[3]
    VertexIndexes m_us_to_vs;
    // v -> u matchings.
    VertexIndexes m_vs_to_us;
    // u vertex layer values.  m_layers[2] == 1 indicates that m_u_vertexes[2] has been placed in layer 1 by the most
    // recent call to makeLayers().
    Layers m_layers;

// Copyright Erik Hvatum 2012
// License: GPL v2

#include "MaxMatch.h"
#include <limits>
#include <list>

const MaxMatch::Layer MaxMatch::InfLayer(std::numeric_limits<MaxMatch::Layer>::max());

  : u_vertex(std::numeric_limits<VertexIndex>::min()),

MaxMatch::Edge::Edge(const VertexIndex& u_vertex_, const VertexIndex& v_vertex_, const EdgeIndex& idx_)
  : u_vertex(u_vertex_),

  : idx(std::numeric_limits<VertexIndex>::min())

MaxMatch::Vertex::Vertex(const VertexType& type_, const std::string& name_, const VertexIndex& idx_)
  : type(type_),

    addVertex(U_Vertex, "NILL U Vertex");
    addVertex(V_Vertex, "NILL V Vertex");

const MaxMatch::Vertexes& MaxMatch::u_vertexes() const
    return m_u_vertexes;

const MaxMatch::Vertexes& MaxMatch::v_vertexes() const
    return m_v_vertexes;

const MaxMatch::Edges& MaxMatch::edges() const
    return m_edges;

void MaxMatch::addVertex(const VertexType& type, const std::string& name)
    VertexNamesToIndexes& namesToIdxs(type == U_Vertex ? m_u_vertNamesToIdxs : m_v_vertNamesToIdxs);
    Vertexes& vertexes(type == U_Vertex ? m_u_vertexes : m_v_vertexes);

    VertexNamesToIndexes::iterator nameToIdx(namesToIdxs.find(name));
    if(nameToIdx != namesToIdxs.end())
        char partname(type == U_Vertex ? 'u' : 'v');
        throw std::string("MaxMatch::addVertex(const VertexType& type, const string& name): A ") + partname +
                          " vertex already exists with the specified name.";

    VertexIndex idx(vertexes.size());
    vertexes.push_back(Vertex(type, name, idx));
    namesToIdxs[name] = idx;

void MaxMatch::addEdge(const std::string& u_vertexName, const std::string& v_vertexName)
    VertexNamesToIndexes::iterator nameToIdx(m_u_vertNamesToIdxs.find(u_vertexName));
    if(nameToIdx == m_u_vertNamesToIdxs.end())
        throw std::string("MaxMatch::addEdge(const string& u_vertexName, const string& v_vertexName): "
                          "no u vertex with u_vertexName exists.");
    VertexIndex uIdx(nameToIdx->second);
    Vertex& u(m_u_vertexes[uIdx]);

    nameToIdx = m_v_vertNamesToIdxs.find(v_vertexName);
    if(nameToIdx == m_v_vertNamesToIdxs.end())
        throw std::string("MaxMatch::addEdge(const string& u_vertexName, const string& v_vertexName): "
                          "no v vertex with v_vertexName exists.");
    VertexIndex vIdx(nameToIdx->second);
    Vertex& v(m_v_vertexes[vIdx]);

    EdgeIndex edgeIdx(m_edges.size());
    m_edges.push_back(Edge(uIdx, vIdx, edgeIdx));

const MaxMatch::VertexIndexes& MaxMatch::us_to_vs() const
    return m_us_to_vs;

const MaxMatch::VertexIndexes& MaxMatch::vs_to_us() const
    return m_vs_to_us;

int MaxMatch::hopcoftKarp()
    int matches(0);


    std::fill(m_us_to_vs.begin(), m_us_to_vs.end(), NillVertIdx);

    std::fill(m_vs_to_us.begin(), m_vs_to_us.end(), NillVertIdx);

    VertexIndex uIdx, uIdxEnd(m_u_vertexes.size());
        for(uIdx = 1; uIdx < uIdxEnd; ++uIdx)
            if(m_us_to_vs[uIdx] == NillVertIdx)

    return matches;

bool MaxMatch::makeLayers()
    std::list<VertexIndex> searchQ;
    VertexIndex uIdx, uIdxEnd(m_u_vertexes.size()), nextUIdx, vIdx;
    // Put all free u vertexes in layer 0 and queue them for searching
    for(uIdx = 1; uIdx < uIdxEnd; ++uIdx)
        if(m_us_to_vs[uIdx] == NillVertIdx)
            m_layers[uIdx] = 0;
            m_layers[uIdx] = InfLayer;
    m_layers[NillVertIdx] = InfLayer;
    EdgeIndexes::const_iterator edgeIdx;
        uIdx = searchQ.back();
        EdgeIndexes& edges(m_u_vertexes[uIdx].edges);
        for(edgeIdx = edges.cbegin(); edgeIdx != edges.cend(); ++edgeIdx)
            vIdx = m_edges[*edgeIdx].v_vertex;
            nextUIdx = m_vs_to_us[vIdx];
            Layer& nextULayer(m_layers[nextUIdx]);
            if(nextULayer == InfLayer)
                nextULayer = m_layers[uIdx] + 1;
    // If an augmenting path exists, m_layers[NillVertexIdx] represents the depth of the findPath DFS when the u vertex
    // at the end of an augmenting path is found.  Otherwise, this value is InfLayer.
    return m_layers[NillVertIdx] != InfLayer;

bool MaxMatch::findPath(const VertexIndex& uIdx)
    if(uIdx == NillVertIdx)
        return true;
        VertexIndex vIdx;
        Layer nextULayer(m_layers[uIdx] + 1);
        EdgeIndexes& edges(m_u_vertexes[uIdx].edges);
        for(EdgeIndexes::const_iterator edgeIdx(edges.begin()); edgeIdx != edges.end(); ++edgeIdx)
            vIdx = m_edges[*edgeIdx].v_vertex;
            VertexIndex& nextUIdx(m_vs_to_us[vIdx]);
            if(m_layers[nextUIdx] == nextULayer)
                    // This edge belongs to an augmenting path - add it to the matching set
                    nextUIdx = uIdx;
                    m_us_to_vs[uIdx] = vIdx;
                    return true;
        // m_u_vertexes[uIdx] does not belong to an augmenting path and need not be searched further during the DFS
        // phase
        m_layers[uIdx] = InfLayer;
        return false;

// Copyright Erik Hvatum 2012
// License: GPL v2

#include "MaxMatch.h"
#include <iostream>

int main(int, char**)
        MaxMatch m;

        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "A");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "B");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "C");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "D");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "E");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "F");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "G");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "H");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "I");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "J");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "K");
        m.addVertex(m.U_Vertex, "L");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "1");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "2");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "3");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "4");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "5");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "6");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "7");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "8");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "9");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "10");
        m.addVertex(m.V_Vertex, "11");

        m.addEdge("A", "1");
        m.addEdge("A", "2");
        m.addEdge("A", "3");
        m.addEdge("B", "1");
        m.addEdge("B", "4");
        m.addEdge("B", "5");
        m.addEdge("C", "1");
        m.addEdge("C", "3");
        m.addEdge("D", "1");
        m.addEdge("D", "5");
        m.addEdge("E", "6");
        m.addEdge("E", "7");
        m.addEdge("E", "8");
        m.addEdge("F", "3");
        m.addEdge("F", "5");
        m.addEdge("G", "6");
        m.addEdge("G", "8");
        m.addEdge("H", "7");
        m.addEdge("I", "9");
        m.addEdge("J", "10");
        m.addEdge("K", "11");

        int c(m.hopcoftKarp());
        std::cout << "Match size: " << c << std::endl;

        MaxMatch::VertexIndex uIdx(0);
        for ( MaxMatch::VertexIndexes::const_iterator u_to_v(m.us_to_vs().begin());
              u_to_v != m.us_to_vs().end();
              ++u_to_v, ++uIdx )
            std::cout << m.u_vertexes()[uIdx].name << " -> " << m.v_vertexes()[*u_to_v].name << std::endl;
    catch(const std::string &e)
        std::cerr << e << std::endl;
        return -1;

    return 0;

Note that you need to use -std=c++0x to compile this with g++ 4.5.3-r12 p1.5. Hopefully later versions will default to 11x syntax once it's all implemented.

A version of main.cpp accepting input from YAML
// Copyright Erik Hvatum 2012
// License: GPL v2

#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include "MaxMatch.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        ifstream yamlInFile;
        istream* yamlInStream(NULL);
        if(argc == 2)
                throw string("Failed to open input file \"") + argv[1] + "\".";
            yamlInStream = &yamlInFile;
            yamlInStream = &cin;
        YAML::Parser yparser(*yamlInStream);
        YAML::Node root;

        MaxMatch m;
        set<string> addedUVerts, addedVVerts;
        string u, v;

        const YAML::Node& bipartite(root["bipartite"]);
        for(YAML::Iterator assoc(bipartite.begin()); assoc != bipartite.end(); ++assoc)
            assoc.first() >> u;
            if(addedUVerts.find(u) == addedUVerts.end())
                m.addVertex(MaxMatch::U_Vertex, u);
            const YAML::Node& adjs(assoc.second());
            for(YAML::Iterator adj(adjs.begin()); adj != adjs.end(); ++adj)
                *adj >> v;
                if(addedVVerts.find(v) == addedVVerts.end())
                    m.addVertex(MaxMatch::V_Vertex, v);
                m.addEdge(u, v);

        int c(m.hopcoftKarp());
        cout << "Match size: " << c << endl;

        MaxMatch::VertexIndex uIdx(0);
        for ( MaxMatch::VertexIndexes::const_iterator u_to_v(m.us_to_vs().begin());
              u_to_v != m.us_to_vs().end();
              ++u_to_v, ++uIdx )
            cout << m.u_vertexes()[uIdx].name << " -> " << m.v_vertexes()[*u_to_v].name << endl;
    catch(const string &e)
        cerr << e << endl;
        return -1;
    catch(YAML::Exception& e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;
        return -1;

    return 0;

    A: [1, 2, 3]
    B: [1, 4, 5]
    C: [1, 3]
    D: [1, 5]
    E: [6, 7, 8]
    F: [3, 5]
    G: [6, 8]
    H: [7]
    I: [9]
    J: [10]
    K: [11]
    L: []

A version of main.cpp that takes input from YAML and uses the boost graph library to find a maximum matching for speed comparison purposes and to verify that the maximum matching set found by my implementation is a valid maximum match. Note that the YAML input format is a little different; input.yaml for this would begin bipartite: with adjancies: indented on the following line and A:... indented twice.
// Copyright Erik Hvatum 2012
// License: GPL v2

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/max_cardinality_matching.hpp>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include "MaxMatch.h"

using namespace std;

void loadFromYaml(const char* yamlFN, MaxMatch& m)
    boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;

    ifstream yamlInFile;
    istream* yamlInStream(NULL);
    if(yamlFN != NULL)
            throw string("Failed to open input file \"") + yamlFN + "\".";
        yamlInStream = &yamlInFile;
        yamlInStream = &cin;
    YAML::Parser yparser(*yamlInStream);
    YAML::Node root;

    set<string> addedUVerts, addedVVerts;
    string u, v;

    const YAML::Node& bipartite(root["bipartite"]);
    const YAML::Node& adjacencies(bipartite["adjacencies"]);
    for(YAML::Iterator assoc(adjacencies.begin()); assoc != adjacencies.end(); ++assoc)
        assoc.first() >> u;
        if(addedUVerts.find(u) == addedUVerts.end())
            m.addVertex(MaxMatch::U_Vertex, u);
        const YAML::Node& adjs(assoc.second());
        for(YAML::Iterator adj(adjs.begin()); adj != adjs.end(); ++adj)
            *adj >> v;
            if(addedVVerts.find(v) == addedVVerts.end())
                m.addVertex(MaxMatch::V_Vertex, v);
            m.addEdge(u, v);
    const YAML::Node* orphanVs(bipartite.FindValue("orphan Vs"));
    if(orphanVs != NULL)
        for(YAML::Iterator orphanV(orphanVs->begin()); orphanV != orphanVs->end(); ++orphanV)
            *orphanV >> v;
            m.addVertex(MaxMatch::V_Vertex, v);

template <typename Graph, typename MateMap, typename VertexIndexMap>
inline bool checkmatching(const Graph& g, MateMap mate, VertexIndexMap vm)
    return boost::maximum_cardinality_matching_verifier<Graph,MateMap,VertexIndexMap>::verify_matching(g,mate,vm);

template <typename Graph, typename MateMap>
inline bool checkmatching(const Graph& g, MateMap mate)
    return checkmatching(g, mate, get(boost::vertex_index,g));

void boostMatcher(const MaxMatch m)
    using namespace boost;

    typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS> my_graph;

    const MaxMatch::Edges& mEdges(m.edges());
    const MaxMatch::Vertexes& mUVerts(m.u_vertexes());
    const MaxMatch::Vertexes& mVVerts(m.v_vertexes());

    my_graph g(mUVerts.size() + mVVerts.size() - 2);

    MaxMatch::VertexIndex offset(mUVerts.size() - 1);
    for(MaxMatch::Edges::const_iterator edge(mEdges.cbegin()); edge != mEdges.cend(); ++edge)
        add_edge(edge->u_vertex - 1, offset + edge->v_vertex - 1, g);

    cout << "executing Edmonds maximim cardinality" << endl;
    std::vector<graph_traits<my_graph>::vertex_descriptor> mate(mUVerts.size() + mVVerts.size() - 2);
        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
        edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching(g, &mate[0]);

    std::cout << "Edmonds maximim cardinality match size: " << matching_size(g, &mate[0]) << std::endl;

    MaxMatch::VertexIndex u(0), v(offset);
    for ( MaxMatch::VertexIndexes::const_iterator u_to_v(m.us_to_vs().cbegin() + 1);
          u_to_v != m.us_to_vs().cend();
          ++u_to_v, ++u )
        if(*u_to_v == 0)
            mate[u] = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
            mate[u] = offset + *u_to_v - 1;
    for ( MaxMatch::VertexIndexes::const_iterator v_to_u(m.vs_to_us().cbegin() + 1);
          v_to_u != m.vs_to_us().cend();
          ++v_to_u, ++v )
        if(*v_to_u == 0)
            mate[v] = numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
            mate[v] = *v_to_u - 1;

    cout << "checking for max match" << endl;
    bool matched;
        boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
        matched = checkmatching(g, &mate[0]);
    cout << (matched ? "Hopcroft-Karp found max match" : "Hopcroft-Karp DID NOT find max match") << endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
        MaxMatch m;
        cout << "loading input" << endl;
        loadFromYaml(argc == 2 ? argv[1] : NULL, m);

        int c;
        cout << "executing Hopcroft-Karp" << endl;
            boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer t;
            c = m.hopcoftKarp();
        cout << "Hopcroft-Karp match size: " << c << endl;

//      MaxMatch::VertexIndex uIdx(0);
//      for ( MaxMatch::VertexIndexes::const_iterator u_to_v(m.us_to_vs().begin());
//            u_to_v != m.us_to_vs().end();
//            ++u_to_v, ++uIdx )
//      {
//          cout << m.u_vertexes()[uIdx].name << " -> " << m.v_vertexes()[*u_to_v].name << endl;
//      }

    catch(const string &e)
        cerr << e << endl;
        return -1;
    catch(YAML::Exception& e)
        cout << e.what() << endl;
        return -1;

    return 0;


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