Friday, January 24, 2020
DMU65 Ultrasonic on titanium
I was feeling frivolous one day and bought a 2014 DMU65 Ultrasonic FD, completely optioned out: 18K HSK63 spindle, 90 position tool magazine, Blum laser, quickset3d, renshaw, high pressure spindle coolant, 1000 psi refrigerated coolant plant, fine abrasive removal centrifuge, chip spray gun fire hose option, and more additional options.
That made me, by happenstance, the first DMG Mori customer to put rotary ultrasonic cutting of titanium into production. I love titanium. I love 5-axis machining. I have a lot of energy and creativity, so I was pretty sure I could cover the $7000/month machine financing with, like, Etsy sales and maybe some music festival booth sales and whatever, you know?
Which is correct. That is the case.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Concept: The Artificial, Feeling, Cognizant Application
Just playing around with some fun concepts, here...
"Hard AI Kit" makes available to you the panoply of software components required to construct your own thinking, self-aware mind. Various example Mind Assemblies are included to give you somewhere to begin.
And where to begin? I suggest: by observing the behavior of the provided example Mind Assemblies within simulated universes. Hard AI Kit includes a universe simulator component named, naturally, Universal Simulator, where Mind Assemblies may dwell. We call a Mind Assembly that is dwelling in a universe a "Mind Assembly agent". An existing human being is called a "person", and an existing Mind Assembly being is called a "Mind Assembly agent". Try instantiating a simulated universe and spawning a Mind Assembly agent within it:
# HAIK US create --standard "myuniverse"
Universe "myuniverse" created! Note: Universal Simulator daemon (HAIK.USD) is not running.
# sudo systemctl start HAIK.USD
# HAIK US status
Universe "myuniverse", population 9.1Bn NPC, 0 user MA. Age 13.772Bn Y total, +3s from instantiation
# HAIK MA spawn "ExampleA" "myuniverse"
Mind Assembly "ExampleA" agent spawned in "myuniverse" with randomly generated name "Jnn Xavier Smithson"
# HAIK US status
Universe "myuniverse", population 9.1Bn NPC, 1 user MA. Age 13.772Bn Y total, +7s from template instantiation
At this point, time is passing in your universe, "myuniverse", and "Jnn Xavier Smithson" (or whatever your MA agent is named) is experiencing that time passing in "myuniverse". You might wonder that user agent is up to. What, exactly, is happening during this time which is passing in "myuniverse"?
Any mind is ultimately nothing more than a program and data, so the same is necessarily true for a Mind Assembly agent. Your human brain, the one in your head, is a mind and is therefore conceptually identical to a Mind Assembly agent in these essentials. However, Mind Assembly agent and human brain implementations differ. Whereas your human brain is a program implemented in neurons and the connections between them, with access to a pool of stored data (your memories) encoded in more neurons and connections between neurons, a Mind Assembly agent is x64 machine code and an sqlite3 database file.
Your mind receives input from your senses, and a Mind Assembly agent receives input from its senses. Your senses are eyes, ears, skin, and such. The senses of a Mind Assembly agent are a Mind Assembly's read function, which is executed once per simulation quanta ("tick") by the agent's universe. MA::read is unique in that only this function may access Universe::query. You may wonder if a Mind Assembly agent that executes Universe::query calls arbitrarily from within its read function can build up a complete picture of its universe and therefore gain omnipotent knowledge, and the answer is "yes". The included example Mind Assemblies have read functions that query data only from the immediate simulated vicinity of their agent instance.
TODO: write
As you experiment with modifying the parameters of the included example Mind Assemblies (MA) and then running them in simulated universes, you may be tempted to modify the examples' read functions to query arbitrary data. Indeed, this is a worthy experiment, and if you do so, you will soon note that the R value of the agents governed by the MA you are modifying rapidly changes to either 0.0 or 1.0.
R value is intended to represent rationality, and is assigned by Universe::grade_rationality at the conclusion of each tick. Universal Simulator, as configured by default, derives R from heuristic evaluation of MA agent behavior in terms of MA agent persistence, fecundity, and the persistence of those agents spawned by that MA agent. That is to say an MA agent is considered perfectly rational (1.0) while it continues to exist in a universe where it has at least one child that continues to exist. A perfectly irrational MA agent (0.0) has terminated not only its own existence, but that of its offspring.
So, if you provide a mind with total knowledge of its universe, it either likes it and decides to make itself immortal + have a big family, or... not. Why so cut and dried?
It is an ontological consequence of Gödel's theorem of completeness, writ large. To see why, create a universe with a special rule that makes MA::state inaccessible to Universe::query:
# HAIK US set private_agent_state=yes "myuniverse"
Note that an even an apparently omnipotent read implementation no longer guarantees rapid assumption of R=1.0 or R=0.0. The reason is simple: if agent cannot completely know itself, it cannot know whether it truly wants to exist.
That's interesting as far as MA beings go, but what does it say of us? Of we human beings? Certainly, even if we are omnipotent, one thing remains that we do not know: ourselves. Or, alternatively, it says that none of us are omnipotent.
Possibly to be continued...
Monday, April 22, 2019
DMG Mori Annoyances
I had listed a number of headaches in this post, but the St. Louis DMG Mori office is going the extra mile to make things right. Thanks!
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Converting Siemens NX CL NURBS to Siemens 840D NC
Siemens NX CAM includes a post processor infrastructure that is larger than the universe and no less complex. God only fucking knows what's up with all that TCL code. God only cares. So, tossing the entire Siemens NX CAM post processor infrastructure straight into the dumper, just because we childishly decide we don't like it, on an infantile whim, what are we left with?
Generating an NX CAM toolpath for an operation still shows a toolpath on the screen. We still have a DMU65 UL (Ultrasonic+Lathe) to control, and it has Siemens 840D SL control. It's all under control. Well, will be soon.
That on-screen toolpath can be listed. Its listing is like:
$$ centerline data
Great! We really need some clue what 840D SL wants as input, however. Let's reach into the dumperino and run our NX post one last time. It outputs:
N340 T="CAPS32SR120"
N350 M6
N420 ;
N430 ;Initial Move
N440 CYCLE832(_camtolerance,0,1)
N460 G54
N470 ;
N500 G0 C0.0 A0.0
N510 G0 X-2.1 Y1.2003965 Z2.1 S0 D0 M3
N520 ;Approach Move
N530 Z1.4538064
N540 ;Engage Move
N550 G1 Z1.3538064 M8 F10.
N560 X-1.85 Y1.5072473
N570 ;Cutting
N580 X-1.7709655 Y1.5993672
N590 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.6892636 Y1.6898064 PL=0.0
N600 X-1.601724 Y1.7730024 PL=1.
N610 X-1.5072473 Y1.85 PL=0.0
N620 ;Retract Move
N630 G1 X-1.2003965 Y2.1
N640 Z1.4538064
N650 ;Departure Move
N660 G0 Z2.1
N670 X-2.1 Y.9335334
N680 ;Approach Move
N690 Z1.4538064
N700 ;Engage Move
N710 G1 Z1.3538064
N720 X-1.85 Y1.2916128
N730 ;Cutting
N740 X-1.7711318 Y1.397804
N750 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.6346003 Y1.5708928 PL=0.0
N760 X-1.472405 Y1.7238462 PL=1.
N770 X-1.2916128 Y1.85 PL=0.0
N780 ;Retract Move
N790 G1 X-.9335334 Y2.1
N800 Z1.4538064
N810 ;Departure Move
N820 G0 Z2.1
N830 X-2.1 Y.6068384
N840 ;Approach Move
N850 Z1.4538064
N860 ;Engage Move
N870 G1 Z1.3538064
N880 X-1.85 Y1.0481092
N890 ;Cutting
N900 X-1.7838374 Y1.1571332
N910 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.7715783 Y1.1745064 PL=0.0
N920 X-1.7126259 Y1.2629285 PL=.0625
N930 X-1.6205476 Y1.3801208 PL=.25
N940 X-1.5039659 Y1.5039613 PL=.125
N950 X-1.3800976 Y1.620521 PL=.125
N960 X-1.2462019 Y1.7258162 PL=.25
N970 X-1.1212275 Y1.8066001 PL=.125
N980 X-1.0662174 Y1.838871 PL=.0625
N990 X-1.0481092 Y1.85 PL=0.0
N1000 ;Retract Move
N1010 G1 X-.6068385 Y2.1
N1020 Z1.4538064
N1030 ;Departure Move
N1040 G0 Z2.1
N1050 X-2.1 Y.1334575
N1060 ;Approach Move
N1070 Z1.4538064
N1080 ;Engage Move
N1090 G1 Z1.3538064
N1100 X-1.85 Y.7500681
N1110 ;Cutting
N1120 X-1.8003415 Y.8624805
N1130 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.7906448 Y.8804501 PL=0.0
N1140 X-1.5821199 Y1.3034044 PL=.041667
N1150 X-1.2035841 Y1.6593227 PL=.916667
N1160 X-.7686003 Y1.8414274 PL=.041667
N1170 X-.7500682 Y1.85 PL=0.0
N1180 ;Retract Move
N1190 G1 X-.1334575 Y2.1
N1200 Z1.4538064
N1210 ;Departure Move
N1220 G0 Z2.1
N1230 X-2.1 Y-.0019108
N1240 ;Approach Move
N1250 Z1.4538064
N1260 ;Engage Move
N1270 G1 Z1.3538064
N1280 X-1.8829413
N1290 X-1.85 Y.2459095
N1300 ;Cutting
N1310 X-1.8300015 Y.36615
N1320 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.8249937 Y.3858213 PL=0.0
N1330 X-1.7448088 Y.7636433 PL=.026316
N1340 X-1.3503773 Y1.4416025 PL=.473684
N1350 X-.6481162 Y1.7909367 PL=.473684
N1360 X-.2658658 Y1.846287 PL=.026316
N1370 X-.2459095 Y1.85 PL=0.0
N1380 ;Retract Move
N1390 G1 X.0019107 Y1.8829413
N1400 Y2.1
N1410 Z1.4538064
N1420 ;Departure Move
N1430 G0 Z2.1
N1440 X1.2003965
N1450 ;Approach Move
N1460 Z1.4538064
N1470 ;Engage Move
N1480 G1 Z1.3538064
This correspondence is trivial:
N500 G0 C0.0 A0.0
N510 G0 X-2.1 Y1.2003965 Z2.1 S0 D0 M3
NX CAM specifies X,Y,Z,A3,B3,C3, where A3, B3, and C3 are tool orientation unit vector components. The NX post processor outputted A and C axis angles in degrees, but that's shit. Our machine understands unit vector orientation just fine. Fortunately, we don't have to worry any more about that, because this toolpath is prismatic. We'll deal with simultaneous five axis NURBS toolpaths some other time. NX doesn't seem to want to generate such things, anyway.
Moving on:
N580 X-1.7709655 Y1.5993672
N590 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.6892636 Y1.6898064 PL=0.0
N600 X-1.601724 Y1.7730024 PL=1.
N610 X-1.5072473 Y1.85 PL=0.0
"It's a NURBS! Look out, sir! ARRRRGGGG!!!" No worries, I got this for ya. So, we see some shit going on. KNOT/1.0 clearly means something, but I'm not seeing it represented in our NC, unless it's that PL=1 term. Could be. And then there's those PL=0s. And the SD=3. Either these things are implicit, or our listing is woefully incomplete and will not serve our needs. I can believe that SD3 is implicit - sure, we're always working with cubic NURBS.
Unfortunately, we haven't yet made enough ill-gotten assumptions to fully misunderstand the situation. Let's extrapolate more.
N910 BSPLINE SD=3 X-1.7715783 Y1.1745064 PL=0.0
N920 X-1.7126259 Y1.2629285 PL=.0625
N930 X-1.6205476 Y1.3801208 PL=.25
N940 X-1.5039659 Y1.5039613 PL=.125
N950 X-1.3800976 Y1.620521 PL=.125
N960 X-1.2462019 Y1.7258162 PL=.25
N970 X-1.1212275 Y1.8066001 PL=.125
N980 X-1.0662174 Y1.838871 PL=.0625
N990 X-1.0481092 Y1.85 PL=0.0
There's definitely a relationship between KNOT and PL values. Our KNOTs are
[0.0625, 0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5625, 0.8125, 0.9375, 1.0] and our PLs are
[0.0, 0.0625, 0.25, 0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.0]. Let's prepend a 0 and append a 1 to our KNOTs, giving
[0, 0.0625, 0.3125, 0.4375, 0.5625, 0.8125, 0.9375, 1.0, 1]. In Python list generator syntax, [KNOTs[n]-KNOTs[n-1] for n in range(1,len(PLs))] produces
[0.0625, 0.25, 0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.0]. These happen to be our PL values.
And that's that. The next step for me is to encode all of these assumptions into a Python script that takes a path listing as input and outputs 840D NC. I will do so
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
QML expression binds as C++ operator overloads... without QML
It's nice that QML permits binding expressions, such as field_Y = 2 * slider_X. It's not nice that JavaScript is involved. It's not nice that these binds are uni-directional.
Let's solve both of these dumbshit millennial JavaScript fucktard problems, which originate in the extremely endearing habit of kids rejecting the wisdom of their elders in favor of the scrpting flavor of the nanosecond. Good intentions and all that.
C++ operator overloading facilitates creation of any domain specific language you like, such as formal EBNF LL parser and interpreter specification, and these are compiled down to fast code using the three hundred decillion man-hours of PHd CS wizardry invested in whichever optimizing compiler you happen to be using.
Representing data bind expressions is no kind of challenge at all. However, all other people are idiots, leaving it to me to implement this, and I'm rather over-committed. So, we'll see.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
The expression is invalid for update in NX. Foo^2: Dimension error
If jump into Siemens NX, you'll soon run into the following error, prompted by your attempt to include a t squared term:
The expression is invalid for update in NX. yt: Dimension error.
Coercing t^2 into inch units does not seem to work:
The solution is to make a unitless expression, a "constant", that is used in place of t:
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Lazily Exposing an std::vector to Python as a Numpy Array with pybind11
Suppose one wishes to expose to Python multi-threaded C++ code that generates output in the form of flat integer or floating point value arrays, and these arrays should appear as Numpy arrays in Python. The two common approaches are (replacing "element" with
double, etc):
- Copying the contents of whatever C++ produces, whether std::vector<element> or element* with length parameter, into Numpy arrays.
- Modifying the C++ code so that it accepts pre-allocated data storage in the form of element* with length parameter, and using the Numpy C API or array.ctypes API to feed the pointer to C++. This avoids a copy operation.
pybind11, there is a better way: 1) keep any
std::vector<> that may be exposed to Python in an
std::shared_ptr<std::vector>, 2) expose the concrete
std::vector<element> types used with
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<>> as the associated "holder" type for each, with an appropriate
.def_buffer call, 3) and in response to requests from Python, lazily retrieve (causing instantiation of) the Python object wrapping the vector requested, feed this to Numpy, and cache and return the resulting Numpy array.
This arrangement may sound complicated, but it is, by far, the most natural and flexible of all approaches: without resort to Python reference counting or requirement to acquire the GIL, a vector exposed in this manner is not garbage collected until both the last outstanding Python reference and the last outstanding C++ reference are gone. This is awesome.
Let's break down the rather dense instructions presented above.
Keep any std::vector<> that may be exposed to Python in an std::shared_ptr<std::vector<>>.
There not much to this. struct Foo { std::vector<int> v; }; changes to Foo { std::shared_ptr<std::vector<int>> v; };, and any v. changes to v->
Expose the concrete std::vector<element> types used with std::shared_ptr<std::vector<>> as the associated "holder" type for each, with an appropriate .def_buffer call.
py::class_<std::vector<std::uint64_t>, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::uint64_t>>>(m, "_HistogramBuffer")
.def_buffer([](std::vector<std::uint64_t>& v) {
return py::buffer_info(,
{ v.size() },
{ sizeof(std::uint64_t) });
In response to requests from Python, lazily retrieve (causing instantiation of) the Python object wrapping the vector requested, feed this to Numpy, and cache and return the resulting Numpy array. The lines of code where this is done are in bold; the rest is provided as minimal context, so that you have some chance of figuring out what I'm talking about :)
template<typename T>
struct StatsBase
static void expose_via_pybind11(py::module& m);
StatsBase(const StatsBase&) = delete;
StatsBase& operator = (const StatsBase&) = delete;
virtual ~StatsBase() = default;
std::tuple<T, T> extrema;
std::size_t max_bin;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::uint64_t>> histogram;
// A numpy array that is a read-only view of histogram. Lazily created in response to get_histogram_py calls.
std::shared_ptr<py::object> histogram_py;
py::object& get_histogram_py();
template<typename T>
void StatsBase<T>::expose_via_pybind11(py::module& m)
std::string s = std::string("_StatsBase_") + component_type_names[std::type_index(typeid(T))];
py::class_<StatsBase<T>, std::shared_ptr<StatsBase<T>>>(m, s.c_str())
.def_readonly("extrema", &StatsBase<T>::extrema)
.def_readonly("max_bin", &StatsBase<T>::max_bin)
.def_readonly("histogram_buff", &StatsBase<T>::histogram)
.def_property_readonly("histogram", [](StatsBase<T>& v){return v.get_histogram_py();});
template<typename T>
: extrema(0, 0),
histogram(new std::vector<std::uint64_t>(bin_count<T>(), 0)),
template<typename T>
py::object& StatsBase<T>::get_histogram_py()
py::object buffer_obj = py::cast(histogram);
histogram_py.reset(new py::object(PyArray_FromAny(buffer_obj.ptr(), nullptr, 1, 1, 0, nullptr), false), &safe_py_deleter);
return *histogram_py;
StatsBase<T>::get_histogram_py() is a bit complex; let's break it down:
If the StatsBase<T> instance in question does not already have a non-null histogram_py pointer...
py::object buffer_obj = py::cast(histogram);
Get a Python object wrapping our std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::uint64_t>> instance. This wrapper will be as we specified to pybind11 and will therefore have a buffer protocol interface understood by Numpy.
histogram_py.reset(new py::object(PyArray_FromAny(buffer_obj.ptr(), nullptr, 1, 1, 0, nullptr), false), &safe_py_deleter);
Use the PyArray_FromAny call to make a Numpy array that is a view of our vector and keep the resulting PyObject* in a pybind11 PyObject* wrapper that will decrement its refcount appropriately when destroyed. Store this in an std::shared_ptr with a GIL-safe deleter in order to avoid crashing in the case where a C++ background thread is the last thing with a reference to a StatsBase instance that has been accessed from a no-longer-extant Python reference.
return *histogram_py;
Return a C++ reference to the py::object representing the Numpy array.
This example is from
real world code (it may be necessary to look in the new_ndimage_statistics branch, but I expect to merge this into master within the next few days). Apologies for not making a minimal example. If you'd like one or have any questions, please ask!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
BTRFS Is a God Damned Joke
I tried storing an 8GiB virtual box disk image on BTRFS. Well, it copied over successfully, but minutes into 'pacman -Syu', the Linux instance in the VM began reporting copious IDE errors. Suspecting BTRFS copy-on-write being an issue, I moved the disk image back to a ZFS volume. This took inordinately long - it definitely was a COW issue. BTRFS went absolutely crazy as the VM wrote here, there and everywhere to its virtual disk, requiring a
competent copy-on-write implementation - which BTRFS
does not have.
That VM, again on ZFS, is again working flawlessly. ZFS is a copy-on-write filesystem and
works. BTRFS is a copy-on-write filesystem and
does not work.
We're how many years into BTRFS being officially "stable"? And it blows chunks the instant you attempt to, say, modify a file a lot? That doesn't seem right. Perhaps I'm the only one, and I'm doing something wrong? Nope.
BTRFS just plain sucks.
The thing I did wrong with BTRFS was using BTRFS. Apparently, I could
disable BTRFS's copy-on-write support for my VM disk image files. But, then my VM disk image files would have no FS-level data checksums or snapshot capability. If that's what I wanted, I'd keep my VM images on XFS or EXT4. It's not, and BTRFS is apparently little better than EXT4 with some additional features that
don't work, so ZFS it is.
Friday, June 10, 2016
blitTextureForWidget: Yeah, Why Don't You?
I made
this little test application in order to explore the impact of swap interval upon multiple visible QOpenGLWidget instances belonging to the same process. It provided yeoman service, facilitating a massive FPS increase in
important production code by demonstrating that swap interval 1, while friendly and well intended, really held us back. Alas, even with this issue beheaded, something is yet rotten in the state of our OpenGL contexts:
Making the plain (non-OpenGL) dock widget floating instead of docked increases FPS by
QPlatformBackingStore::composeAndFlush(..) is the cause:
void QPlatformBackingStore::composeAndFlush(QWindow *window, const QRegion ®ion,
const QPoint &offset,
QPlatformTextureList *textures, QOpenGLContext *context,
bool translucentBackground)
if (!qt_window_private(window)->receivedExpose)
if (!context->makeCurrent(window)) {
qWarning("composeAndFlush: makeCurrent() failed");
QOpenGLFunctions *funcs = context->functions();
funcs->glViewport(0, 0, window->width() * window->devicePixelRatio(), window->height() * window->devicePixelRatio());
funcs->glClearColor(0, 0, 0, translucentBackground ? 0 : 1);
if (!d_ptr->blitter) {
d_ptr->blitter = new QOpenGLTextureBlitter;
const QRect deviceWindowRect = deviceRect(QRect(QPoint(), window->size()), window);
// Textures for renderToTexture widgets.
for (int i = 0; i < textures->count(); ++i) {
if (!textures->flags(i).testFlag(QPlatformTextureList::StacksOnTop))
/*1*/ blitTextureForWidget(textures, i, window, deviceWindowRect, d_ptr->blitter, offset);
// Backingstore texture with the normal widgets.
GLuint textureId = 0;
QOpenGLTextureBlitter::Origin origin = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::OriginTopLeft;
if (QPlatformGraphicsBuffer *graphicsBuffer = this->graphicsBuffer()) {
if (graphicsBuffer->size() != d_ptr->textureSize) {
if (d_ptr->textureId)
funcs->glDeleteTextures(1, &d_ptr->textureId);
funcs->glGenTextures(1, &d_ptr->textureId);
funcs->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, d_ptr->textureId);
QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
if (!ctx->isOpenGLES() || ctx->format().majorVersion() >= 3) {
funcs->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, 0);
funcs->glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL, 0);
if (QPlatformGraphicsBufferHelper::lockAndBindToTexture(graphicsBuffer, &d_ptr->needsSwizzle, &d_ptr->premultiplied)) {
d_ptr->textureSize = graphicsBuffer->size();
} else {
d_ptr->textureSize = QSize(0,0);
} else if (!region.isEmpty()){
funcs->glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, d_ptr->textureId);
/*2*/ QPlatformGraphicsBufferHelper::lockAndBindToTexture(graphicsBuffer, &d_ptr->needsSwizzle,
&d_ptr->premultiplied); }
if (graphicsBuffer->origin() == QPlatformGraphicsBuffer::OriginBottomLeft)
origin = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::OriginBottomLeft;
textureId = d_ptr->textureId;
} else {
TextureFlags flags = 0;
textureId = toTexture(deviceRegion(region, window, offset), &d_ptr->textureSize, &flags);
d_ptr->needsSwizzle = (flags & TextureSwizzle) != 0;
d_ptr->premultiplied = (flags & TexturePremultiplied) != 0;
if (flags & TextureFlip)
origin = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::OriginBottomLeft;
if (d_ptr->premultiplied)
funcs->glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
if (textureId) {
if (d_ptr->needsSwizzle)
// The backingstore is for the entire tlw.
// In case of native children offset tells the position relative to the tlw.
const QRect srcRect = toBottomLeftRect(deviceWindowRect.translated(offset), d_ptr->textureSize.height());
const QMatrix3x3 source = QOpenGLTextureBlitter::sourceTransform(srcRect,
d_ptr->blitter->blit(textureId, QMatrix4x4(), source);
if (d_ptr->needsSwizzle)
// Textures for renderToTexture widgets that have WA_AlwaysStackOnTop set.
for (int i = 0; i < textures->count(); ++i) {
if (textures->flags(i).testFlag(QPlatformTextureList::StacksOnTop))
blitTextureForWidget(textures, i, window, deviceWindowRect, d_ptr->blitter, offset);
The line marked with /*1*/ is fast to execute. The line marked with /*2*/ is very slow.
/*1*/ is called for our docked QOpenGLWidgets. /*2*/ is called for our docked QWidget that does not contain a QOpenGLWidget, but it is not called when that QWidget is made floating rather than docked.
/*2*/ ends up calling QPlatformGraphicsBufferHelper::bindSWToTexture(..):
bool QPlatformGraphicsBufferHelper::bindSWToTexture(const QPlatformGraphicsBuffer *graphicsBuffer,
bool *swizzleRandB, bool *premultipliedB,
const QRect &subRect)
#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
QOpenGLContext *ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
if (!ctx)
return false;
if (!(graphicsBuffer->isLocked() & QPlatformGraphicsBuffer::SWReadAccess))
return false;
QSize size = graphicsBuffer->size();
Q_ASSERT(subRect.isEmpty() || QRect(QPoint(0,0), size).contains(subRect));
GLenum internalFormat = GL_RGBA;
GLuint pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE;
bool needsConversion = false;
bool swizzle = false;
bool premultiplied = false;
QImage::Format imageformat = QImage::toImageFormat(graphicsBuffer->format());
QImage image(graphicsBuffer->data(), size.width(), size.height(), graphicsBuffer->bytesPerLine(), imageformat);
if (graphicsBuffer->bytesPerLine() != (size.width() * 4)) {
needsConversion = true;
} else {
switch (imageformat) {
case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
premultiplied = true;
// no break
case QImage::Format_RGB32:
case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
swizzle = true;
case QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied:
premultiplied = true;
// no break
case QImage::Format_RGBX8888:
case QImage::Format_RGBA8888:
case QImage::Format_BGR30:
case QImage::Format_A2BGR30_Premultiplied:
if (!ctx->isOpenGLES() || ctx->format().majorVersion() >= 3) {
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
internalFormat = GL_RGB10_A2;
premultiplied = true;
} else {
needsConversion = true;
case QImage::Format_RGB30:
case QImage::Format_A2RGB30_Premultiplied:
if (!ctx->isOpenGLES() || ctx->format().majorVersion() >= 3) {
pixelType = GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
internalFormat = GL_RGB10_A2;
premultiplied = true;
swiz5zle = true;
} else {
needsConversion = true;
needsConversion = true;
if (needsConversion)
image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
QOpenGLFunctions *funcs = ctx->functions();
QRect rect = subRect;
if (rect.isNull() || rect == QRect(QPoint(0,0),size)) {
funcs->glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, internalFormat, size.width(), size.height(), 0, GL_RGBA, pixelType, image.constBits());
} else {
#ifndef QT_OPENGL_ES_2
if (!ctx->isOpenGLES()) {
funcs->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, image.width());
funcs->glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), GL_RGBA, pixelType,
image.constScanLine(rect.y()) + rect.x() * 4);
funcs->glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
} else
// if the rect is wide enough it's cheaper to just
// extend it instead of doing an image copy
if (rect.width() >= size.width() / 2) {
// if the sub-rect is full-width we can pass the image data directly to
// OpenGL instead of copying, since there's no gap between scanlines
if (rect.width() == size.width()) {
funcs->glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), GL_RGBA, pixelType,
} else {
funcs->glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height(), GL_RGBA, pixelType,
if (swizzleRandB)
*swizzleRandB = swizzle;
if (premultipliedB)
*premultipliedB = premultiplied;
return true;
return false;
#endif // QT_NO_OPENGL
Those glTexSubImage2D calls are blocking texture uploads executed in the main thread (theoretically, glTexSubImage2D should be non-blocking, but profiling this code makes it very apparent that glTexSubImage2D is blocking). In a profiler, it is easily seen that the huge FPS hit is mostly the result of
synchronization delay; it takes time to marshal data to the GPU, and most of that time is spent waiting for inherently asynchronous things, such as DMA transfers, to most certainly be definitely completed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, triply confirmed, with extra delays just to be super-ultra-incredibly-sure. If a modern video game were to upload its textures like this, one-at-a-time, in a blocking fashion, you would be lucky to get one frame per minute.
Perhaps we can engage the code path used for QGraphicsProxyWidgets and render QWidgets directly to a pixel buffer? I don't know if QGraphicsProxyWidget actually does this, but the FPS hit from placing a QWidget updated every frame in a QGraphicsScene with an OpenGL viewport is less severe than the hit from docking a plain QWidget updated every frame alongside OpenGL viewports that are updated every frame. One way we might try to do this is by simply making the plain QWidget containing the QLabel a QOpenGLWidget. I think I remember hearing that QWidget children of QOpenGLWidgets are rendered properly, within the QOpenGLWidget viewport. Perhaps this is the ticket.
[05:34 PM][ehvatum@heavenly:~/multiple_gl_viewport_fps_toy]> git diff
diff --git a/MainWindow.cpp b/MainWindow.cpp
index fd8ccb5..3e9acf2 100644
--- a/MainWindow.cpp
+++ b/MainWindow.cpp
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
m_central_gv(new GL_QGraphicsView(0, m_central_gs)),
m_central_swap_interval("central swapInterval == 0"),
- m_left_widget(new QWidget()),
+ m_left_widget(new QOpenGLWidget()),
m_left_dock_widget(new QDockWidget("left widget")),
m_right_gs(new QGraphicsScene()),
diff --git a/MainWindow.h b/MainWindow.h
index 276590c..e14afab 100644
--- a/MainWindow.h
+++ b/MainWindow.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ protected:
QGraphicsTextItem* m_central_fps_item;
GL_QGraphicsView* m_central_gv;
QAction m_central_swap_interval;
- QWidget *m_left_widget;
+ QOpenGLWidget *m_left_widget;
QLabel *m_left_fps_label;
QDockWidget* m_left_dock_widget;
QGraphicsScene* m_right_gs;
With these changes, docking the left widget still imposes the same FPS hit and for the same reason: we wait for an enormous texture upload. Floating the left widget removes the slowdown, unless I resize that floating widget to be the same size as the main window. Together, all of this leads to an insight: the texture uploaded in order to compose a raster surface and a QOpenGLWidget is always the size of the top-level window ultimately containing the widgets.
So, Qt's raster + QOpenGLWidget composition is completely brain damaged and must be avoided. However, I still need to have QMainWindows containing a mixture of docked QOpenGLWidgets and docked QWidgets. The solution is to use QGLWidgets instead - these do not participate in composition. Doing so brings FPS back to something reasonable.
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